PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts> .\activate
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts>
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts>
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts> .\django-admin startproject first
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts>
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts> dir
디렉터리: D:\python\django1\django\Scripts
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 first
d---- 2018-07-18 오후 4:10 __pycache__
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:05 2284 activate
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:05 1023 activate.bat
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:05 1494 Activate.ps1
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:05 368 deactivate.bat
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:10 93087 django-admin.exe
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:10 153
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 89470 easy_install-3.6.exe
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 89470 easy_install.exe
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:08 93036 pip.exe
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:08 93036 pip3.6.exe
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:08 93036 pip3.exe
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 164504 pyexpat.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 97944 python.exe
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 58520 python3.dll
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 3303064 python36.dll
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 96408 pythonw.exe
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 23704 select.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 880792 sqlite3.dll
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 1307136 tcl86t.dll
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 1550336 tk86t.dll
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 896152 unicodedata.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 83784 vcruntime140.dll
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 24728 winsound.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 45720 _asyncio.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 78488 _bz2.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 102552 _ctypes.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 30360 _ctypes_test.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 216728 _decimal.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 22168 _distutils_findvs.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 163992 _elementtree.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 1121432 _hashlib.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 183960 _lzma.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 33432 _msi.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 25752 _multiprocessing.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 34456 _overlapped.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 63640 _socket.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 64664 _sqlite3.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 1459864 _ssl.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 41624 _testbuffer.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 76440 _testcapi.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 21144 _testconsole.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 19608 _testimportmultiple.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 26264 _testmultiphase.pyd
-a--- 2018-07-18 오후 4:04 53400 _tkinter.pyd
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts> cd first
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts\first> ls
디렉터리: D:\python\django1\django\Scripts\first
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 first
-a--- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 552
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts\first> python .\ runserver
Performing system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
You have 14 unapplied migration(s). Your project may not work properly until you apply the migrat
auth, contenttypes, sessions.
Run 'python migrate' to apply them.
July 19, 2018 - 21:35:25
Django version 2.0.7, using settings 'first.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
[19/Jul/2018 21:35:50] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 16348
[19/Jul/2018 21:35:51] "GET /static/admin/css/fonts.css HTTP/1.1" 200 423
[19/Jul/2018 21:35:51] "GET /static/admin/fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.woff HTTP/1.1" 200 80304
Not Found: /favicon.ico
[19/Jul/2018 21:35:52] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 1971
[19/Jul/2018 21:35:52] "GET /static/admin/fonts/Roboto-Light-webfont.woff HTTP/1.1" 200 81348
[19/Jul/2018 21:35:52] "GET /static/admin/fonts/Roboto-Bold-webfont.woff HTTP/1.1" 200 82564
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts\first> ls
디렉터리: D:\python\django1\django\Scripts\first
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 2018-07-19 오후 9:35 first
-a--- 2018-07-19 오후 9:35 0 db.sqlite3
-a--- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 552
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts\first> cd first
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts\first\first> ls
디렉터리: D:\python\django1\django\Scripts\first\first
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 2018-07-19 오후 9:35 __pycache__
-a--- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 3205
-a--- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 768
-a--- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 403
-a--- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 0
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts\first\first> dir
디렉터리: D:\python\django1\django\Scripts\first\first
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 2018-07-19 오후 9:35 __pycache__
-a--- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 3205
-a--- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 768
-a--- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 403
-a--- 2018-07-19 오후 9:34 0
(django) PS D:\python\django1\django\Scripts\first\first>
'파이썬 python > django' 카테고리의 다른 글
django model 1 sqlite3 (0) | 2018.07.25 |
django view , 간단한 뷰 구현 (0) | 2018.07.25 |
가상환경 django 설치 (0) | 2018.07.18 |